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The travel dates of all Finnair flights booked by 31 May can be changed once with no fee

If you have a Flex or Classic ticket, you can always change travel dates flexibly. If you booked a Light ticket by 31 May 2022 and meet the conditions below, you can change your travel dates once without a change fee after 31 May.

  1. You have booked a Finnair operated and marketed flight.
  2. You have booked through Finnair’s direct channels (Finnair.com, app or customer care) or a travel agency.
  3. You make the changes, including confirming new dates for your travel, the latest 48 hours before the departure of your booked flight. If you change your travel dates closer to your flight, the change conditions follow your original ticket rules.
  4. There are available seats on your chosen new flight.

From June onwards, normal ticket rules apply to all new bookings as our exceptionally flexible booking policy ended on 31 May 2022.

Additional information about ticket changes

  • If you want to cancel your booking, a refund will be according to the original ticket rules.
  • Please note you need to pay the difference between the original and new fare if your ticket is no longer available at its initial price.
    • If your new ticket is at a lower price than the original one, we cannot refund the difference.
  • If you have purchased a travel extra for your flight, we will transfer it to your new flight if possible. Otherwise, you can apply for a refund.
  • More information and instructions on how to change the travel dates are on our homepage.
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