Service fees | Finnair Germany

Service fees in Germany

The amounts displayed are service fees only. Any extra fare penalties will be advised at the time of making your change or refund.

The service fee for flight tickets purchased online is based on the departure country of the journey. The name change fee depends on both the country of departure and destination.

Service fees are non-refundable.

Flights to some North American destinations may be exempt from the online service fee.

Flight tickets*Fee
Tickets purchased at


Tickets purchased at Finnair officesFee
Flights within Europe€30
Flights to/from other countries€50
Additional fee for purchasing tickets at the Airport Ticket Office€10
oneworld products**€50


Ticket reissue€15
Name correction€25
Name change in ticket types which allow it (short-haul/long-haul flight)***€150/€400


Finnair Plus reservationsFee
Transferring Avios from one account to another€20
Exchanging Avios for tier points€20

*When paying with American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners or Universal Air Travel Plan credit cards, an additional charge of 2% of the total cost of the ticket will be collected. This charge does not apply to infants.

**Non-refundable planning fee. Will be collected at the time of reservation. No additional service fee at the time of ticketing.

***Short-haul flights operate within Europe and long-haul flights to and from North America, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

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