When can I travel normally again? How do I know where I can travel? | Finnair Thailand
Frequently asked questions

When can I travel normally again? How do I know where I can travel?

The coronavirus situation still affects air travel significantly, but the world has gradually started to re-open again and travel guidance has been eased in many countries already. We follow demand and changes in travel restrictions in different countries closely and continue adjusting our traffic plan accordingly. As travel restrictions are lifted and air travel starts to recover, we will gradually add frequencies and routes back to our network.

  • First, you can check where you can travel on the travel requirements map.
  • You can search and book available flights on our booking engine.
  • We share the latest travel and service updates, including changes in traffic and cancelled flights, on the Travel updates page.
  • When you are planning to travel to Finland, see our travel update for the latest information.
  • We recommend you also check your destination country's government or embassy website before you travel.

It is also good to visit our Safe travel during coronavirus page, where you can find all the relevant information you need.

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